I’d convinced myself to skip posting today. Here I am, third week in and I’m looking for excuses to take the day off. It’s Memorial Day, I can post tomorrow. Everyone takes today off if they can. I’m self-employed so I get to set my schedule. Sure, I promised to post every Monday (I reserve the right not to post while travelling) but what difference does one day make? Humph! I’ve always really loved the song ‘Father and Son’ by Yusuf Islam. When I first heard it as an angsty teenager, I’d just lost my Dad right in the middle of my struggle to get him to acknowledge my fledgling adulthood and the idea behind that song felt right on target. I was the son, struggling to make my father understand me even though that was no longer an actual possibility. Over the last decade, unnoticed at first, I’ve come to realize that I no longer identify with the son. I still feel the old ache from the missed opportunity with my Dad when I hear the song but I find myself identifying much more w...